Co-hosts of #fuse14, Mt. Vernon Institute For Innovation (@MVIFI) have created a remarkable new playbook for design thinking and design thinkers. I just had a few minutes this early AM to thumb through it. I know a LOT of folks contributed to it but it has the look and feel of a lot of Mary Cantwell and Bo Adams to me! Of course there is much that traces its genealogy back to the Stanford It is concise, slick, provocative, and will “get the user to where they need to go”. According to Bo, it will be available online after the conference, so I encourage you to check it out. (I will post the link here when I get it.) Users can share the material with attribution…as I will be doing on many occasions in my work with schools.
Bottom line: @MVIFI is leading the way and providing a great service to the K!@ education community in making design thinking accessible and usable for all. Question: how might you use these thinking routines in your classroom and your school to better prepare our students for the ambiguous challenges of a rapidly changing world?
Looking forward to getting the link and reading this document!
Everyone, When you get it, PLAY with it!
Thanks, and absolutely; does not good on the shelf!