8th graders starting to map out a day on public transportation with no help or advice from teachers.
For the next two days I am at Catlin Gabel School in Portland where the middle school is in a pilot week of “re-imagining” school. I set out their agenda for the week in my last blog, and people around the country are following on Twitter at #edlabcgs. Join! And remember; all of the themes of this learning were selected by the students!
I will be tweeting and micro-blogging today and tomorrow, and sharing some of the student, teacher, and parent comments in both real time and from the reflection docs they are keeping from each day.
This morning: 6th graders are cold-calling businesses to ask for donations of goods for a refugee family that can be picked up this afternoon. 7th graders are iterating their projects for the future; the two I heard about earlier that blew me away were “edible laundry detergent” and “VR previews to theater and sport event ticket locations”. The 8th graders are in rotations: cooking, housework, and finding their way around Portland on public transportation with no advice from their teacher/chaperones.
Stay tuned!
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