Innovation in Education

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Libya, Russia: Catching Up to the World

Over the weekend, Libya held the first quasi-democratic elections in 50 years with a relatively low level of violence.  Non-Islamist parties appear to have at least somewhat of an attraction to voters. In Tunisia and Egypt, similar election cycles have been held within 18 months of revolutions that started with popular uprisings in the streets.  [...]

By | 2012-07-09T15:35:14+00:00 July 9th, 2012|Innovation in Education|1 Comment

Phillips on Five Key Innovation Factors

Innovation is a word that we all now use: “schools must innovate in order to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world”.  But before we start something, we should know WHY.  Jeffery Phillips, writing on the Innovation Excellence blog site notes five key factors that are driving that need to innovate; my commentary is [...]

Blended Learning: Inevitable Path But Not a Destination

Yesterday Melissa Smith, a Tech Coach for K-8 in Memphis, TN, asked if I would comment on the use of blended learning in the K-8 environment.  Sure! I have the exact same feeling about blended learning as I do with unblended learning: good learning takes place when an inspired teacher helps a student to discover [...]