Innovation in Education

Home/Innovation in Education

Three Horizons of Innovation: Important Framework for Schools

Innovation is a simple word.  Gets thrown around a lot.  We all want to be innovative.  The fact is that true innovation, the creation and implementation of new ideas that bring true value to our organizations, is hard.  Real innovation will always get stuck on the back burner as we are overwhelmed by the stress [...]

Khan Critics Miss the Point

Valerie Strauss in the The Answer Sheet on has been running an intensive point-counterpoint about the quality, and even the validity of Khan Academy.  Experts in both math and teaching find KA lacking on a number of fronts: accuracy, effectiveness, method, and basic pedagogy. I am not going to reprise the argument here; they [...]

By | 2012-07-26T16:11:02+00:00 July 26th, 2012|Innovation in Education|11 Comments

The Zen of Educational Technology

Yesterday Jonathan Martin posted a wonderful piece on the tension between using technology as a necessary and critical part of modern education, and the inevitable hard-wired connection that we are all developing to and with these tools.  We all feel this, for our students and for ourselves.  We want and need to be connected to [...]

Flipping Our Minds, Not Just Our Classes

Let’s be clear: the flipped classroom is a great teaching tool that takes advantage of emerging technologies.  Flipping education should be our real goal, and it has less to do with technology than with mindset. This new word “flipped” in our common education lexicon is both useful and appropriate, but what does it really mean?  [...]

By | 2012-07-14T16:36:05+00:00 July 14th, 2012|21C Skills, Innovation in Education|0 Comments