Innovation in Education

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Commitment to Diversity Leads Progressive Vision at St. George’s School, Memphis

I tend to report along a timeline, at least when sorting out many pages of notes from a long  days’ visit.  Throw that out the window today.  The story of this school wraps back on itself in several unique and powerful ways, all of which give me a greater sense of optimism for education in [...]

Busting Silos, Faculty Collaboration Change Learning Landscape at Hutchison School, Memphis

After more than 55 school visits in the last 11 weeks, I feel I am getting pretty good at reading how committed a faculty is to embracing change.  At some schools, the vision of change is met with reluctance; at some with cautious optimism for the growth of bright lights.  Then there are the schools [...]

Leading Classroom Change Permeates Presbyterian Day School

My second full day at Presbyterian Day School in Memphis was just as eventful as the first; this mid-sized elementary school continued to surprised me with an array of truly leading edge programs in character education, global awareness, health and fitness, tailored learning in reading, curriculum development, an exceptional virtual social studies program, and more.  [...]

Math, Student Questioning: Link to Two Presidential Award Teachers

I just got back from a dinner with Jeff McCalla, high school math teacher at St. Mary’s Episcopal in Memphis.  Jeff is a past winner of the prestigious Presidential Award of Excellence for Science & Mathematics Teaching. He also does instruction for Texas Instruments and was introduced to me by both Jill Gough from Trinity [...]

SAIS Lunch and Learn Video: First Thoughts From My EdJourney

For all who have so generously given of their time to read my blog so far on this journey, a huge thanks!  Knowing that the miles and nights in strange hotels are helping to connect educators and encourage innovative thinking makes it all worthwhile.  I am on a week break back home in San Diego [...]

Template For an Education Revolution; First Post From Presbyterian Day School, Memphis

I will make several reports from Presbyterian Day School and the Martin Institute for Teaching Excellence in Memphis; I visited for a day yesterday and will be back the week after Thanksgiving.  We talk about revolutionary changes and evolutionary changes and sometimes those terms take on the meaning of time: rapid vs tepid.  This is [...]

Steady Innovation “Broadens the Purpose of Education” at Randolph School, Huntsville

I made an “unofficial” stop in Huntsville to see colleagues at the Randolph School.  We only had a couple of hours, but I have been talking about education innovation with Head Byron Hulsey and Assistant Head for Academic Affairs Jerry Beckman for several years, so we hit the ground running.  We were also joined by [...]

Relevance Permeates the Learning Experience at Baylor School, Chattanooga

It is always tempting to say that we can’t afford to do what other schools can because we don’t have their resources, and you will have that temptation today. The Baylor School sits on more than 600 acres, high above the Tennessee River, and even on a day when rain made it tough to stroll [...]

Education Design Thinking? Quick Intro from Mt. Vernon Presbyterian D-Think Summit

What is design thinking?  A number of schools are using this tool to re-imagine not only what they are going to teach, but how they are going to teach in a rapidly changing world.  To be honest, there is not much revolutionary about d-thinking, but it has made classic problem solving more accessible, collaborative, interactive, [...]

Leaning Forward on Innovation Through A Statement of Promise at Walker School, Atlanta

As we have noted over the past nine weeks, some organizations innovate because they want to and some because they have to.  Head Jack Hall of the Walker School in Marietta, just north of Atlanta, gave me some history of their planning process.  “In the 1980’s and 1990’s, Walker had become a highly selective school, [...]