Innovation in Education

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Must Read: “How Kids Learn Resilience” via Paul Tough

Two years ago on this site we had a "lively" discussion about the nature of "grit" as then popularized by Angela Duckworth, a word that has seeped quickly into the lexicon, mission statements, and even the teaching programs at a diverse range of schools around the country. The point-counter point of "grit", in summary, comes [...]

“Future” Maybe Becoming a Relative Term in Education

What if the future is already behind us, and we just don't know it? While this sounds like Twilight Zone fiction, I think the future may be a relative term for school leaders.  What is an improbable, fuzzy vision fraught with big obstacles, uncomfortable transitions, and unknowable outcomes for some schools is already in the rear [...]

Good Read: “Are You Smart Enough?” via Alexander Astin

What if we ranked hospitals by the number of relatively healthy patients they admitted instead of how well they improved the health of sick people? What if we devoted more resources to making "sort of" sick people well, and fewer resources to healing "really sick" people?  Would anyone think those were good measures of an effective [...]

Change Practice, Not Buildings

Want to transform learning? If your school has or can raise $20 million dollars, build a new set of classrooms.  Lacking a profound and sustained commitment to changing mindset, pedagogy, and program in how to USE those classrooms, you have just made a enormously wasteful decision. Want to really transform learning? I repeat several of the [...]

The Future of Education is Already Behind Us

Here is what keeps me up at night: this 3D holographic learning is ALREADY a reality.  How is your school or district preparing to intersect with a near-future where this is common place?  If not, how can "school" be the place where students prepare for their own futures?  How can we even put this kind [...]

Partnership Between University and School for Tailored PD

As I work on my new book, I am looking at a resurrected model of the Dewey-era "Lab School" for the 21st Century that includes multi-win collaborations amongst schools, colleges, community organizations, and companies.  So I was really happy to see that my former school, Francis Parker School in San Diego, has developed a partnership [...]

By | 2016-04-23T13:59:43+00:00 April 23rd, 2016|Innovation in Education, Uncategorized|0 Comments

One Way to Salvage the American Dream?

How might educators save what is left of the American dream? A key lesson I tried to convey when I took students on two-week immersion experiences to the Philippines: in the developing world, most families live on the edge of functional bankruptcy every day.  While starvation is rare in the Philippines due to plentiful water and [...]

By | 2016-04-21T14:55:03+00:00 April 21st, 2016|Global Learning, Innovation in Education|0 Comments

Sometimes Evolution is Not Pretty

Evolution is messy, dangerous, and rough (the opposite of smooth). Some of those who clamber to join the bandwagon of "learning is an ecosystem" look at the world through rose-tinted glasses, where ecosystems are healthy, the grass is lush, all of the denizens eat well, get fat, and die peacefully.  Too bad that is not [...]

Thinkabit Lab in San Diego: Lighting Fires of Innovation and Imagination

A place where students can gain self awareness into their unique value; where they can see how they might make a positive impact on the world; and where they can tinker to learn about interests they may never have uncovered.  Sounds to me like a darn good mission statement for any school!  These are the guiding [...]