Grant Lichtman

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So far Grant Lichtman has created 805 blog entries.

The Mother of All PLC’s? Stealing a Page From The Borg?

After several days of brain-wringing over the implications of the death of bell curve evaluations, I have caught a dose of Bo Adams’ “What If” series, flavored by constant reminders of how effective our species is at “getting ‘er done” when we interact with purpose.  And add a big dollop of “I never have enough [...]

By | 2012-05-05T16:51:20+00:00 May 5th, 2012|21C Skills, Innovation in Education|0 Comments

Busted Bell Curve Part II: Who Will Lead Innovation in Schools?

Yesterday’s NPR report on the research by O’Boyle and Aguinis regarding the potential death of the bell curve standard has already started to provoke important conversation.  Yesterday I took a first stab at how this research might impact how we view student performance and the structure of classes and assessment.  Those are huge topics that [...]

Keeping K-12 Innovation Alive

Yesterday Steve Blank posted a humorous example of innovation killing-by-committee titled “Why Innovation Dies”. I want to expand on several key points as they specifically relate to our educational institutions.  Why?  We tend to think of ourselves as foundries of ideas and creativity, when in fact we tend to be largely inert.  If we are [...]

By | 2012-05-03T01:36:16+00:00 May 3rd, 2012|Innovation in Education|2 Comments

A Tale of Two 1:1 iPad Programs

This morning San Diego Unified School District announced they will buy and distribute $15 million in iPads next year.  This follows implementation of a district-wide netbook rollout in middle schools three years ago, all paid for by bond proceeds approved by taxpayers.  In the article in this morning’s San Diego Union Tribune district officials describe [...]

Radically Flattened Org Structures

Polly LaBarre in her MIX blog reports on the incredibly flat management structure at Morning Star, a highly successful major American food grower and processor.  All employees in the company develop and sign a Colleague Letter of Understanding (CLOU) in which each person defines their personal job outline and how it relates to the organizational [...]

Operationalizing Innovation

Bo Adams, in his incredible blog series 60-60-60 refers to the idea of The Ten Commandments and asks: Wouldn’t it be interesting to engage in a faculty exercise of recording ten such expectations, one each on a Post-it note, and affinity mapping the commonality and differences among a school’s tribe of practitioners? Shouldn’t we have [...]

By | 2012-04-29T22:01:17+00:00 April 29th, 2012|21C Skills, Innovation in Education|0 Comments

Organizational Structure and Innovation

Steve Denning at wrote an article about Valve, a high-tech company with a unique organizational chart: there are no managers.  Everyone is free to choose what project to work on.  They are green-lighted to risk and fail.  They are expected to be creative and use that creativity.  It is messy, chaotic, and very successful. [...]

By | 2012-04-28T15:50:19+00:00 April 28th, 2012|Innovation in Education|2 Comments