Grant Lichtman

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So far Grant Lichtman has created 805 blog entries.

Educators at the Water Cooler

I was happy and honored to get many responses via Twitter and on this blog about my two-part comments on the Common Core Standards.  Here are some thoughtful conversations in my reading of the last few days.  These are not talking-head pundits; they are all educators just like you. Is your school or district creating [...]

By | 2013-04-12T13:28:07+00:00 April 12th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Common Core: Flat Solution to a 3D Problem? (Part 1)

Yesterday I found this blog post by Bob Gallagher, a retired Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, arguing that we have to give the Common Core Standards time to work, that the impatience of Americans often sacrifices long-term vision on the alter of short term results.  I have never met Bob, but my bet is that he [...]

By | 2013-04-08T14:37:11+00:00 April 8th, 2013|Innovation in Education, Uncategorized|10 Comments

John Hunter Shares the World Peace Game

Do you want to capture all of the skills for a successful lifetime of learning in one place?  Can we teach collaboration, communication, questioning, synthesis, and all the rest, all at once and even to very young students?  Sure.  Just be John Hunter. John was on CBS this morning talking about his book “World Peace [...]

By | 2013-04-03T21:36:04+00:00 April 3rd, 2013|21C Skills|0 Comments

Students to Beta Google Glasses; Teacher Will Bring Them to Martin Conference

  How fast is the world changing?  What might education look like next week or next year? Check out this hot-off-the-press news release from Don Wettrick and his Innovations class at Franklin High in Indianapolis: This is just the first year for the Innovations class.  This is a public school.  Students are meeting Common [...]

The Critical Move From Vision to Action: St. Christopher’s School, Richmond

St. Christopher’s School is a K12 boys school in Richmond, VA.  They celebrated their centennial last year, have strong admissions demand, and are considered in the top tier of schools in the Richmond market.  So why does a school like St. Christopher’s embark on a path of innovation to change what and how they teach?  [...]