Grant Lichtman

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So far Grant Lichtman has created 805 blog entries.

Is This the Future of Teacher-As-Learner?

For those of you who are not active on Twitter or don't follow me there (why not on both counts?!) this partnership between St. Andrew's School in Potomac and the Harvard Graduate School of Education is such a wonderful and leading example of teacher-as-learner.  Keep track of the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning at [...]

Cool Sketchnote of a Keynote, via Jim Tiffin

Bo Adams and I kicked off the NYSAIS Assistant Heads and Division Heads meeting today with a talk; we have about 7 hours of active learning sessions over the next two days based around the theme of Time, Space, and Curriculum.  We have about 190 attendees, so just think of the ideas and new perspectives [...]

The “Eco” in Educational Ecosystems: Words Matter

Words matter. The first time I saw the word “ecosystem” used to describe a process of learning more attuned to the future needs of our students was by Thomas and Seeley-Brown in “A New Culture of Learning”.  It resonated with me; they described the teacher as a farmer who sets out the boundary fences of inquiry [...]

By | 2013-11-13T20:49:07+00:00 November 13th, 2013|21C Skills, Innovation in Education, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Simple, Elegant, Revolutionary Idea to Massively Increase Faculty PD Time?

Did a 9th grader just solve one of the most intransigent obstacles to school innovation? I think so!  It is a simple, elegant, easy way to create large blocks of time for faculty to collaborate on their own professional development and growth.  Read on and send comments; is there a hidden thorn in this rose [...]

Students Seeing Behind the Curtain of Their Own Learning

When I first thought to teach students the tools of their own self-evolution as learners, using The Art of War as a toolkit, it struck many educators as quirky, to say the least.  Still does.  But when I get to spend a few hours with students, immersed in the simple, powerful lessons that I have [...]

Powerful Gathering of Ideas on Education Innovation as I Criss-Cross America

Ending a POWERFUL two weeks of interactions with roughly 700 students, teachers, school administrators, and parents.  I was at schools and conferences where educators gather to grow as professionals. What did these events have in common? We asked questions that many had not asked before. We included voices that are often not included in planning [...]

Innovation Lessons for All From Special Needs School: Noble Academy

What can a small school for students with learning differences teach the rest of us about differentiated, student-owned learning?  Perhaps a lot.  I visited Noble Academy in Greensboro, N.C. today, a K-12 school with about 175 students, all of whom have one or a combination of learning differences.  I did not even realize their specialization [...]

Imagining the Future of Learning Takes Hold at Miami Valley School, Dayton

Exactly one year ago I was in my Prius driving through the Carolinas visiting schools and blogging from the road.  This morning I am in Greensboro, N.C. and this time the Prius is back home in California.  But I get to report on another school, Miami Valley School in Dayton, Ohio, that is taking some [...]

Students Crush Meaning of Learning, Pretty Much on Their Own!

I did not think my afternoon session with the freshmen at All Saints Episcopal School could top the “you made my head hurt” whirl of systems thinking with the sophomores. I may have been wrong. I had a 70-minute learning block with the 9th grade cohort of the Tad Bird Honors College, and with virtually [...]

‘Creative Confidence” by Tom and David Kelley a Critical Tool for K-12 Educators

I just finished reading Creative Confidence by David and Tom Kelley.  This is not a review, a summary of design thinking, or an argument on why design thinking is a critical life skill. It is a short list of both intellectual and emotional responses to the book, primarily as it relates to my field of [...]

By | 2013-10-28T21:19:38+00:00 October 28th, 2013|Innovation in Education, Uncategorized|1 Comment