Grant Lichtman

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So far Grant Lichtman has created 805 blog entries.

Lessons From the Valley II: A Roiling Stew of People and Ideas

Why is Silicon Valley the Magic Kingdom of innovation, and what lessons can K-12 schools learn about how innovation succeeds in times of rapid change? I have been pondering and studying this and will write a series of short blogs based on the findings of some long-standing experts from the Valley, translated into ideas and [...]

We Still Struggle With a New Paradigm of School Leadership

Another great #satchatwc twitter chat yesterday focusing on our roles as leaders in schools, an outpouring of ideas and ideals about the importance of leadership. There was a lot of good advice and many poster quotes.  But I left feeling that sometimes we miss one of the main points; there is still an enormous amount of implication [...]

Scaling School Change; Check Out Landmark Consulting Group

"If school change is not systematic and systemic, it is interesting, appealing, and maybe exciting, but not, ultimately, important."  I just sent out that Tweet, and it can sound as if little changes don't matter, as if I fail to recognize that small changes, taken together, are the pioneering elements of systemic change.  That is [...]

Inside My Head

I gave a keynote and hosted a deep dive workshop today at the inaugural ATLIS conference for technology educators. One huge highlight: attendees in the deep dive did everything from creating strategic pathways to building a deep learning prototype for students...and almost all of them self-identify as "IT" people.  We are ALL educator-leader-teachers, and we proved [...]

By | 2015-04-17T20:44:16+00:00 April 17th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Mom and a Load of Cardboard

How might we engage community stakeholders more deeply in what happens at school? It is a critical question regardless of where your community lies on social and economic curves.  Take this short story I heard this week and translate it into something powerful for your school. We visited Vista Innovation and Design Academy this week. Last [...]

Job Description for Chief Innovation Officer, via Lindsey Own

Schools are increasingly understanding the need to have an in-house innovation leader; leaving the job of promoting innovative practices up to the site CEO means innovation always gets stuck behind the daily obstacles of keeping the school lights on.  Over the last year or so, I have had a number of calls, particularly from independent schools: [...]

What If a Fish Did Not Know It Lived In a Pond?

The 1884 novella Flatland explores the perspective, movements, and relationships of human-like creatures who might inhabit worlds with different numbers of dimensions. It is the stuff of social satire and science fiction, what often provoke us to radical or disruptive thinking. What if the universe in which we live is actually very different from the one we perceive [...]

By | 2015-04-12T15:25:14+00:00 April 12th, 2015|Innovation in Education, Vision and Strategy|0 Comments

Rescue of the American Dream Demands a Moonshot

Have we crossed a tipping point towards the death of the American Dream? It is a sad, perhaps even horrifying thought to those whose historical window largely spans the last 75 years, or perhaps sees the genesis of that Dream in the almost miraculous prescience of the founding American generation of the late 18th century. The latest book [...]