Grant Lichtman

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So far Grant Lichtman has created 805 blog entries.

Student-Centered Learning Grows With Students at McGehee School

I love surprises in education and if you do, too, read on! Yesterday afternoon when I walked past the McGehee School in the heart of the New Orleans garden district, a neighborhood block clustered around an historic mansion, my first thought was “traditional girl’s school”. And when I got briefed this morning about the Regio-style [...]

By | 2015-10-22T13:27:12+00:00 October 22nd, 2015|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Video of My Visit to Hobsonville Point Secondary School

As promised, I made a short, very informal video of my visit with Hobsonville Point Secondary School in New Zealand. I wrote about HPSS last week with the comment that they are really an exemplar of what high schools can and might look like in the future.  If you are interested in space, architecture, and [...]

Innovation Explosion at Underserved Ortiz Middle School; Yes We Can!

This is HUGE for these kids. Ortiz Middle School (#ortizms) is a traditionally poorly performing school in Santa Fe, NM with almost 100% underserved students. Exactly one year ago, the overwhelmingly predominant learning style was "sit and get"; students lacked engagement and enthusiasm; they politely did their worksheets and listened to their teachers. The teachers decided to take [...]

High School of the Future?

Last week in New Zealand I visited a high school that may well be the exemplar for global high schools of the future. Hobsonville Point Secondary School (HPSS) on the outskirts of Auckland is just two years old, and only has about 20% of its build-out student population. It has been designed, physically and pedagogically to break [...]

My Keynote at ULearn New Zealand

I was honored last week to give the opening keynote address to more than 1,800 primary and secondary educators from across New Zealand and other regional nations. I hope you will get past the short self-introduction in Maori language.  The audience was wonderful, enthusiastic, and obviously eager to share, and lead, a transformation to deeper [...]

Students Steal the Show @ULearnNZ; Best Conference Workshop Ever!

This is what PD should look all the time! We had some very active, noisy, collaborative workshops at ULearnNZ this week...and then there was the best conference workshop I have ever contributed to, and possibly attended.  Students from Hobsonville Point Secondary School gave up a day of vacation per the request of my co-presenters, Steve [...]

Keynote at ULearn New Zealand

I have sadly ignored my blogging duties with a week holiday in New Zealand, and now a frantic @UlearnNZ conference.  But here is the visual recording of my keynote yesterday in front of my largest audience ever, 2,000 wonderful educators from across New Zealand and nearby countries:

By | 2015-10-07T20:54:50+00:00 October 7th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Convergence Center Publishes Major Agenda for School Transformation

The Convergence Center for Policy Resolution has published a major white paper that will help build gravity around the push to transform K-12 education.  Convergence has asked me, and many others, to act as ambassadors of this effort, and since I am on vacation, I am going to borrow heavily from their media guide.  I [...]